티스토리 뷰


The Bold Type 시즌5 - 1

gajy 2022. 3. 31. 00:46

- Hair of the dog : 해장술

- the original "Queer Eye" did get me through college.: 오리지널 퀴어아이는 나를 대학에 합격시켰지

- retreat: when you spend time away from your normal life, usually some place far away

- depriving(빼앗다) someone of coffee

- What'd you think would happen?: 무슨일이 일어날거라고 생각했습니까?

- it was insensitive: 예민하지 않았어.

- you were made aware: 너는 알게 되었다.

- thoroughly: 철저히

- I'm investigating a claim that your boss is abusive(학대).

- If he is mistreating(학대) you or anyone,

- Is this a butt dial?

- you're using me as a decoy(미끼).

- flesh out sth: 살을 붙이다.

- none of you have ever avoided a confrontation(직면) before?

- I'm all for you moving on from Eva

- ghosting is a lissle harsh.

- I'm about to head out.

- I just got caught up in the moment: 그 순간에 사로잡혔어.

- I wanted to bring it up, because we hadn't talked about it yet.

- See you around.

- I was creeping on him. 그에게 조용히 접근하고 있었다.

- masculinity: 남성다움

- fragility: 부서지기 쉬움

- transcribing: 필사

- Eva is a frequent guest on many different news outlets(뉴스 매체).

- trust fall: An exercise in which one person lets him- or herself fall without trying to stop it, relying on their friend(s) to catch them.

- to help mold the next generation of queens: 차세대 여왕의 형성을 돕다.

- She's hammered and about to sabotage her career.

- You covered for her?

- I'm diabetic(당뇨병).

- pull out(꺼내다) your phone.

- it could jeopardize(위태롭게 하다) my job.

- power cord: 전원 코드

- It just sort of came out.


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