티스토리 뷰


The Bold Type 시즌5 - 2

gajy 2022. 3. 31. 00:47

- Get your head in the game: 집중해.

- frenzy: 격분

- no hoarding: 사재기 없음

- giveaway: 경품

- Yout made your story airtight(기밀).

- I'm primed(준비된) and ready to schmooze the advertisers

- schmooze: to talk informally with someone, especially in a way that is not sincere or to win some advantage for yourself

- discrepancy: 불일치

- I'll put in a good word.

- I saw you doubled the streams on the latest podcast.

- Congrats.

- ex-felons: 전과자

- You came to me to ease your conscience(양심).

- twitterverse: 트위터 유저

- he's damage good, not worth the trouble. 그의 손상이 좋으면 문제 될 가치가 없다.

- disinfectant: 살균제

- retraction: 취소

- gig: work as short-term

- felony: 중죄

- I jacked a jewelry store, got caught.

- I have been on probation(집행유예) for one.

- shoplifting: 좀도둑질

- Anyway, it is what it is.

- Nicole turn a blind eye(눈감아주다)

- reintegrate(복귀) into society with a felony conviction(범죄).

- her allegations were found to be false and were dismissed.: 그녀의 주장은 거짓으로 밝혀져 기각되었다.

- they are destined to become: 그들은 될 운명이다.

- wanted to reach out.

- holing up: 버티다.

- it was worth the risk.

- he'll crumble(무너지다)


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